Asymptotic freedom

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Asymptotic freedomAsymptotic freedom
  1. One of the important properties of the nonabelian QCD theory is asymptotic freedom .


  2. Almost all potential models share the two important characteristics of QCD : asymptotic freedom and confinement .


  3. This theory is very successful in high energy processes given its property of asymptotic freedom .


  4. Asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction & Comment on the Nobel Prize in Physics 2004


  5. Asymptotic freedom and the wave functions at the origin and the energy levels of the j / ψ and they


  6. Due to the asymptotic freedom of QCD , the determination of heavy baryon mass spectroscopy must resort to non-perturbative technique .


  7. Different from electromagnetic interaction , due to its non-Abelian color symmetry , the QCD has the property of asymptotic freedom at large momentum transfer , while remains strongly coupled at low energies .


  8. It is a general consensus that QCD is the underlying theory of the strong interaction . According to properties of asymptotic freedom , there is accurate solution using perturbation method for the light quark systems in high energy region .


  9. So far , Quantum chromo-dynamics ( QCD ) is the most successful theory which describes strong interactions between quarks . In this theory , there are two very important characteristics : asymptotic freedom and color confinement ( or quark confinement ) .
